Billing Services

Is Your Firm’s Billing Practice Efficient?

C&S LegalTech provides monthly billing services to small to mid-sized firms so they can focus on what they do best – practice law. Whether you need temporary or permanent billing assistance, our team will do your billing for you every month so you can better serve your clients and more effectively build your business.  C&S LegalTech meets with your firm to discuss the way you currently handle billing and adapts a monthly billing process to ensure we are quick and efficient.  We even offer Task-Based billing and/or Ledes billing assistance. 

This includes:

  • Prebill creation, review and appropriate changes

  • Billing and e-billing

  • Timely monthly reminder statements

  • Reporting

Let C&S LegalTech take the stress and worry out of your billing cycle without the cost and time associated with hiring a full-time employee.

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Take a look at the services we offer and contact us to schedule a free consultation today!


P.O. Box 79
Morris, AL 35116

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(205) 289-1500


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