
Technology Planning and Budgeting for 2021
There’s no doubt, 2020 has been a period of massive change. The pandemic has forced businesses to change the way they do business–for example, more staff are working remotely than ever before. Read on to learn more about what to consider when planning your technology budget for the new year.

Work Anywhere Securely with the Cloud
With remote work a fixture in our economy, technology has risen to meet the challenge. From virtual desktops to unified communications, it is easy to work anywhere. Read on to learn how technology based in the Cloud can keep your business robust in 2021 and beyond.

Position Your Company for Growth in 2021 and Beyond
What a year it’s been! With the pandemic pushing rapid changes in how businesses operate (e.g., more remote workers), a company’s IT infrastructure and applications need to be nimble, responsive and secure in the face of increasing demand for digital transformation. Read on to learn more about trends associated with this shift.

Trends in Cybersecurity in 2020
This extraordinary year, with its rapid shift toward remote work force, has brought about changes in the cybersecurity landscape. With the security perimeter widened by use of devices outside the office, businesses are using the cloud more than before.

Become Aware, Get Prepared. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October brings to mind cool days and crisp leaves. Another hallmark of this month is cybersecurity awareness. Government and industry have collaborated to “raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and to ensure all businesses have the resources to be safer and more secure online.”

Plan Now to Protect Yourself from Cyber Threats
Imagine an external cyber attack occurring in your business, or an employee getting exploited by a phishing email. Will you know what you’ll do in the event of a data breach, and are you prepared to act immediately? Read on to learn more about how planning your response to a cyber attack can help you respond quickly and calmly.

Unified Communications Can Help You Stay Connected
In our current situation, the ability to work anywhere is even more important. Whether at the office, on the go–or quite commonly these days, at home–unified communications (UC) supports the ability to communicate by voice or email and send information back and forth. Read on to learn more about how this technology can help your business always be available.

Migrating to the Cloud to Access Line of Business Applications
Our unusual times have pushed businesses into adoption of cloud computing, the main reason being the increased demand for remote work along with the ability to maintain business operations. Gartner’s prediction for increase in cloud revenue in 2020 was 17%, from $227.8 billion to $266.4 billion, even before COVID 19. It’s possible that that revenue may increase even more.

Developing A Plan for Data Protection
Data breaches have become so common that they are no longer news. Gartner predicts, “as more companies look to benefit from data, there will be an inevitable increase in data use and sharing missteps.”

Get Your Business Ready for the Cloud with a Strong Strategy
While many businesses have already adopted cloud computing to a certain extent, others are still new to the technology. Whether your business is using cloud computing already, or is considering a move, it’s never too soon to develop a strong strategy. Read on to learn more about developing a strategy to guide your business in considering cloud computing.